Best Spine Surgeon in Mumbai | Dr. Amit Sharma

Best spine surgeon in Mumbai


What are the treatments available for spine?

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What are the treatments available for spine?

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Best Spine Treatment in Mumbai

Conservative Management of Spine Problems

  1. Self-Limiting Nature of Majority of Spine Problems:
    • Many spine issues, although initially distressing, possess a remarkable capacity for self-resolution. The body’s inherent healing mechanisms often come into play, gradually alleviating discomfort. Patients experiencing mild to moderate symptoms can find relief through conservative measures, avoiding the need for invasive interventions.
  2. Avoiding Complete Bed Rest:
    • The traditional approach of prescribing complete bed rest has undergone significant reconsideration in contemporary medical practice. Extended bed rest not only fosters a “sick role” mentality but also contributes to muscle weakness. Recent research has demonstrated that patients who continue their routine activities within pain tolerances experience faster recovery compared to those confined to prolonged bed rest.
  3. The Role of Physiotherapy:
    • Physiotherapy emerges as a cornerstone in the conservative management of spine issues. Beyond alleviating pain, it plays a pivotal role in strengthening the muscles that support the spine. Additionally, physiotherapy addresses persistent muscle spasms, a common response to underlying spinal pathology. By focusing on muscle relaxation and strengthening, physiotherapy becomes instrumental in preventing chronic pain and fostering long-term spinal health.
  4. Modalities for Pain Relief:
    • In conjunction with conventional treatments, several advanced modalities contribute to effective pain relief. Techniques like Interferential Therapy (IFT), Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) offer localized relief for back or neck pain. However, patients are advised to exercise caution; if physiotherapy exacerbates pain, prompt consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended for personalized guidance.


Spinal Injections and Pain Management

  1. Overview of Spinal Injections:
    • Spinal injections and pain management procedures represent a targeted approach to addressing pain at its source. These interventions involve delivering medication directly to the site of pain, ensuring maximum efficacy with minimal systemic side effects.
  2. Benefits and Minimal Side Effects:
    • The advantages of spinal injections extend beyond effective pain relief. By delivering a precise dosage directly to the affected area, these procedures minimize the need for higher doses of systemic medications, consequently reducing side effects. This targeted approach enhances patient comfort and expedites recovery.
  3. Radiofrequency Ablation (RF) and Other Techniques:
    • Techniques like Radiofrequency Ablation (RF) showcase the evolving landscape of pain management. By directly ablating painful tissues, RF provides an innovative solution for persistent pain. Spinal injections, in their stepwise approach, not only offer relief but also serve as a diagnostic tool, aiding in pinpointing the exact source of pain.
  4. Diagnostic Value of Injections:
    • Spinal injections play a dual role by providing relief and serving as a diagnostic tool. Particularly in cases of uncertainty, the response to injections can confirm the source of pain, guiding subsequent treatment decisions. However, caution is advised, as certain medical conditions may preclude the use of injections, emphasizing the importance of individualized care.


Limitations of Conservative Treatments

  1. Symptomatic Relief vs. Reversal of Pathology:
    • It is crucial for patients to understand the distinction between symptomatic relief and the reversal of underlying pathology. Conservative treatments, while proficient in managing acute symptoms, do not reverse irreversible conditions like degenerated discs. Patients should adopt a mindful approach, acknowledging the need for ongoing caution and self-care.
  2. Long-Term Effects and Patient Caution:
    • While the body’s natural healing mechanisms can provide long-term relief after the acute phase, patients should remain vigilant. Degenerated discs, although potentially symptom-free after conservative treatments, require ongoing care. Caution in engaging in heavy activities remains pivotal to prevent recurrence and excessive wear and tear.
  3. Recurrence and Lifestyle Modifications:
    • Stressing the importance of continual self-care, patients should incorporate lifestyle modifications to preserve spinal health. A proactive approach, including avoiding strenuous activities, becomes paramount in preventing the recurrence of symptoms post-conservative treatment.


Role of Spine Surgery

  1. Indications for Spine Surgery:
    • Spine surgery becomes imperative in specific scenarios where conservative measures prove insufficient. Understanding the indications for surgery is crucial, as it offers a definitive solution to address and potentially cure underlying spinal issues.
  2. Addressing the Underlying Problem:
    • The distinct advantage of spine surgery lies in its ability to directly address and resolve the primary pathology. When conservative measures fall short, surgery steps in to provide a comprehensive and potentially curative intervention. This becomes particularly relevant when the severity of the pathology demands a more decisive approach.
  3. Patient Outcomes:
    • Beyond pain relief, spine surgery offers patients improved functionality and an enhanced quality of life. Acknowledging positive patient outcomes, including restored mobility and reduced pain, underscores the effectiveness of surgery in specific scenarios.
  4. Collaboration with Healthcare Providers:
    • The decision between conservative treatments and surgery necessitates collaboration between patients and healthcare providers. An integrated approach, considering individual circumstances and preferences, ensures the formulation of a tailored treatment plan. Balancing the benefits and risks of both conservative and surgical options is vital for optimal patient care.


For more information or to schedule a consultation with leading spine expert in Mumbai, please call us on +91-9967600461 or email at

Physiotherapy Exercises for Neck Pain

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